[Corporations] Re: Resolutions you might recommend voters take to their precinct meetings??.

Bruce Hunter earthlife at juno.com
Wed Feb 25 00:08:50 EST 2004

We, the_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Party of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _support
legislation that would--
1) Stabilize human populations at or below current levels.
As our continually growing population becomes increasingly dependent upon
a shrinking body of finite natural resources-- clean air, fresh water,
fish, timber, topsoil, oil, gas and the many disappearing and endangered
species whose importance to humans is not yet fully understood or
appreciated-- we believe it is now time to develop a national campaign
for stabilizing our population/consumption at or below present levels--
moderate levels comfortably sustainable with our own natural energy
We advocate educational and government support for encouraging the young
to better understand the connection between planetary stewardship,
reproductive responsibility and good citizenship, and we support
government provision of financial and/or other incentives for each young
person to marry no earlier than age 21and to become a parent to two or
fewer children;
2) Privatize religion
RESPECTING the great diversity among our people as to religious opinion,
BELIEVING that all citizens should stand as equals before the law as to
religious belief and HONORING the U.S. Constitution's mandate that
government under these United States shall be secular, we call for
legislation to insure that neither religious opinion nor religious
practice shall be established by law, and that no tax funds in any amount
shall be used either to promote or disparage religious belief, or to show
any preference whatever for 'faith' over skepticism in such matters
3) Provide Job/Life-needs Security 
We support legislation that for every person who wants to work, who can
work and who will work-- but for whom the private sector has not found a
job-- the federal government will provide ecologically benign work, even
though this may be only for food, clothing, shelter, transportation,
medical care and educational/social/recreational opportunities, plus a
modest monthly cash allowance. 
4) Outlaw War
Recognizing that laws-- including international laws-- mean absolutely
nothing without an adequate mechanism for enforcement, we advocate the
adoption of a modicum of world law against military attacks and
invasions, simultaneously with the creation of a standing multicultural
World Security Force or U.N. Police force to counter any
attacks/invasions by any nation, with provisions for the arrest, trial
and punishment of those national/military leaders responsible for
violating such laws.
5) Respect Natural limitations on Population Growth and Urban Sprawl
RECOGNIZING the impossibility of controlling population growth in a
democratic society and seeing that increasing human population means
countless species will ultimately suffer extreme shortages of various
natural resources the most basic of which are clean air and fresh water,
we advocate allowing the planet's limited fresh water resources-- fresh
water lakes, rain, snow, icebergs and aquifers-- to act as a natural
brake on excessive human population by---
* placing a one-thousand dollar federal depletion tax on every new water
meter manufactured, sold or used within our borders, 50% of which is to
be reserved for matching funds for any city, water district, county or
state which will add its own tax on new meters they permit to be added to
their water systems, and 
* prohibiting the building of any additional desalinization plants by any
federal, state or other municipality or business entity which does not
operate solely on solar power, and by phasing out all desalinization
plants by year 2030/earlier.
6) Encourage global education and global involvement
AWARE of the enhanced effect voter participation could bring to bear on
global issues, we call for direct election of our nation's
representatives to the United Nations, and for other nations to allow
their citizens this same right. 
7) Clean up Congressional re-districting 
WE support eliminating the pernicious effects of racism and partisan
political wrangling in congressional redistricting by making this a
strictly geometric process begun by dividing the state's most populous
city through its demographic center into the four natural quadrants
according to the four primary compass directions-- North, South, East and
West-- and proceeding according to the principle of least deviation from
a generally geometric pattern, either rectangular or hexagonal. 

8) Enhance voter choice through Instant Runoff Voting (IRV)
IN ORDER to prevent the 'election' of a candidate who receives less than
50% of the votes, and to forestall the need for costly runoff elections
or for the courts to decide winners, we call for legislation allowing
each voter while voting to indicate also hsr second choice, so that if
hsr first choice is not one of the top two candidates, the voter's second
choice vote will be counted instead if it is for one of the top two. 
9) Freeze immigration at 'Replacement/Exchange' levels or lower
REALIZING that USAans burn a disproportionate amount of the world's
shrinking oil supplies, and UNDERSTANDING that this is widely recognized
--and strongly resented -- by millions of people in other lands, IN ORDER
to help effect a general reduction of humankind's overall consumption of
oil, gas and coal, the burning of which are largely responsible for
global warming and for the toxic emissions which are harmful to all
living things, and TO FACILITATE bringing our own nation's human
population down to such size as will effect a 50% or higher reduction in
our annual oil consumption, we call for a moratorium on immigration,
except for on an "equal trade" basis with other nations and we urge all
other nations to adopt this same policy as to international migrations
and population reduction, at least until the trend toward global warming
has been significantly reduced and/or clearly reversed.
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